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The premier network for Will Writers and Estate Planning Professionals.

Why should you join The TAS Network?

TAS is a network for Training and Support for is members, you have probably heard of The TAS Network, our name is often mentioned at Society meetings or maybe at an IPW conference. We all know that running an independent Will Writing and Estate planning firm can be lonely. The buck stops with you and there is rarely anyone to turn to for support. Yet how can you possibly know everything?


Members of TAS are the most respected practitioners currently working at the coal face of our profession. They see clients daily and they face many of the same issues that you do. The difference that TAS Network membership makes to their business is marked. They have access to the ‘hive mind’ of some of the leading thinkers from our industry.


The TAS network was established in 2004 by a group of forward thinking Will Writers. Since that date it has grown through its commitment to quality training, sharing of ideas and best practice amongst its members.


TAS is actively seeking to broaden its membership with like-minded people from a range of backgrounds being invited to join our group.  Our profession is likely to face some considerable challenges in the years to come and these will be more effectively met by an active group of professionals sharing their experiences.


Our Members Say


“I attend my TAS meeting regularly, despite it being a 4 hour drive each way for me to get there, as the effort is a “no-brainer” for me. The very thought of missing out on any content from the training day or the chance to discuss specific client or business issues, would make me feel I wasn’t giving the very best to my clients. It is the most important training resource for my business.”


Is the TAS Network for you?


If we are honest TAS is not for everyone. You need to be committed to professionalism and being the best in breed. You need to be able to commit to our high quality CPD days each year. If you like to get involved and want to get your voice heard then TAS is for you.

Membership of The TAS Network is not a passive thing. Those that put the most in get the most out. Our membership requirements are higher than both the Society of Will Writers and the IPW. But we are worth it.

We work on the principles of –

  • Sharing – Best Practice and Marketing Initiatives

  • Respect – Our members are the best, our trainers the highest quality.

  • Peer Support – we support each other with answers to technical issues.

  • Sociability – We get on well, have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

  • Trust – We speak freely and are unafraid to express our opinions.


For enquires into becoming a member of the TAS network, please fill out the form below.
One of our senior members will be in contact shortly to discuss options with you.

Thanks for submitting!

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